Data Accuracy

Dr. Database lists are compiled from the actual data the medical professionals submit to government authorities to receive a medical license and keep their license up-to-date.

The database is updated monthly and your order includes FREE monthly updates for 1 year from your date of purchase.

While we strive to deliver the most accurate database available, because businesses move, add branch offices, go out of business or in the case of medical professionals, new licenses are issued – you are urged to utilize your FREE monthly updates for accessing all additions and deletions.

Dr. Database maintains control over the list building process using state-of-the-art technology. And we are always optimizing our methodology to ensure you have the most accurate list available.

Your order is 100% guaranteed. Download the lists of your choice, launch your marketing campaign and if for any reason you are unhappy, contact us within 30-days for a full, no-questions asked refund.