Complete database of North Carolina Therapists. Our database covers all major cities in North Carolina including Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro, Durham, Winston-Salem and every other city in North Carolina with a licensed therapist.
The Database of North Carolina Therapists is compiled using the actual information therapists submit to government authorities to keep their license current.
Category Breakdown
Physical Therapist: 7,988
Counselor: 17,093
Psychoanalyst: 3
Poetry Therapist: 0
Clinical Neuropsychologist: 124
Behavioral Analyst: 1,350
Psychologist: 3,818
Social Worker: 14,409
Marriage & Family Therapist: 1,341
Acupuncturist: 436
Physical Therapy Assistant: 1,799
Rehabilitation Practitioner: 38
Specialist/Technologist: 1,523
Occupational Therapist: 4,482
Kinesiotherapist: 16
Respiratory Therapist, Certified: 122
Respiratory Therapist, Registered: 199
Anaplastologist: 4
Records Breakdown
Total Records: 65,079
Addresses: 65,079
Unique Addresses: 41,816
Phone Numbers: 54,829
Unique Phone Numbers: 35,784
Fax Numbers: 17,684
Unique Fax Numbers: 6,994
Are you trying to reach therapists in North Carolina? Our therapist database is great for direct marketing, app development, market research, and website development. It's also perfect for entrepreneurs who need a therapist database to build directory websites and apps.
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