Complete database of Ohio Physicians. Our database covers all major cities in Ohio including Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Akron and every other city in Ohio with a licensed physician.
The Database of Ohio Physicians is compiled using the actual information physicians submit to government authorities to keep their license current.
Below is a breakdown of the different categories the database covers.
Category Breakdown
Allergist / Immunologist: 141
Anesthesiologist: 2,477
Dermatologist: 578
Emergency Doctor: 3,417
Family Doctor: 5,962
Internist: 10,732
Neurological Surgeon: 363
Obstetrician / Gynecologist: 2,034
Orthopedic Surgeon: 1,343
Otolaryngologist: 596
Pathologist: 1,264
Pediatrician: 4,748
Plastic Surgeons: 247
Psychiatrist / Neurologist: 3,029
Radiologist: 2,299
Surgeons: 1,861
Urologist: 572
Optometrist: 2,354
Records Breakdown
Total Records: 48,926
Addresses: 48,926
Unique Addresses: 19,930
Phone Numbers: 43,201
Unique Phone Numbers: 17,229
Fax Numbers: 28,364
Unique Fax Numbers: 10,153
Are you trying to reach physicians in Ohio? Our physician database is great for direct marketing, app development, market research, and website development. It's also perfect for entrepreneurs who need a physician database to build directory websites and apps.
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