March 2014 Update

We’ve updated our doctor databases for March 2014. Below you will see a count of how many records each database contains compared to last month.

Not only are new entries added but existing entries are updated with current information.

Complete Database

New: 2,630,276
Old: 2,606,449

Physician Database

New: 937,470
Old: 927,551

Dentist Database

New: 203,077
Old: 202,404

Therapist Database

New: 878,237
Old: 870.701

Nurse Database

New: 341,553
Old: 337,413

Chiropractor Database

New: 80,557
Old: 80,080

Pharmacist Database

New: 148,391
Old: 147,644

Audiologist Database

New: 12,350
Old: 12,270

Dietician Database

New: 28,641
Old: 28,386